[Preview] Various Languages Books #3

Hello! It’s been a while since I posted something about languages. Since I got a couple new language books a while ago, I’d thought I would share. ^^

Also, I’m writing this post with the WordPress iPad app. This is the first time I’ve done this and I want to see how the post turns out. I’m sorry if this post looks weird on the desktop version. ><


These are the language books I’ve ordered on Amazon last month! Easy French Step-by-Step and Swedish: Essentials of Grammar. I have looked through them but haven’t actually used them yet. I’ll get back to you guys when I do. ^^

I got the French book for self study. Even though I’m taking French classes now, I think this book will be a great review and to learn new things. I got the Swedish book because I’m self studying Swedish. There are not very many Swedish sources out there, but this one I got had great reviews. I trust those reviews, so I hope this book doesn’t disappoint. ^^

I’m a little behind on posting currently. I have quite a few things I want to post about and I hope to get those up soon, even if it means I have to write them now and put them in a queue!

You guys will have an awesome weekend, right? Valentine’s Day is coming, so I hope you’ll have a great time with a loved one, family or friends. ^^ Have a good weekend~