[Languages] Loads of Language Fun in 2015

I’m honestly looking forward to 2015. I have a few things that I want to try and things that I want to change. But I’ve just realized that 2015 is going to be filled with languages, which makes me very excited!

Starting January 21st, I’ll be taking my first French class in college. French is one of the languages I want to be fluent in. I’ll be taking both French 1 and 2(first class is January-March, second class is March-May). Along with the classes, I’ll be self-studying the language through Duolingo and Memrise. I’ve already studied French for a while, so the first couple weeks or so of class may be easy for me. Of course I plan on taking intermediate French 1 in late 2015 during my fall semester. Three French classes in one year? Bring it on!

I also plan on getting more serious with my Korean studies. I’ve been self studying the language for a while, but I still feel like a beginner. A huge part of that is my fault because I would study for a while then take a few days to a few weeks off. I’ve recently bought a subscription for KoreanClass101.com in hopes to start improving my listening skills. I’ve started the first lesson yesterday and it seems great so far. I have a few books on my desk that I would like to finish in a couple months, giving that I do at least one or two lessons a day. I’ve also been learning Hanja on and off, mainly for fun. I plan on minoring in Korean when I transfer universities, but that won’t happen for a while still. I’m in no rush to master Korean at the moment, but getting a head start is always nice.

Swedish! Swedish is a language I’ve always wanted to learn. Ever since Swedish came out in Duolingo, I’ve been learning at least two lessons a day. I’ve also been using Memrise to expand my vocabulary and the FSI site to improve my listening and speaking. I plan on finishing my Swedish tree on Duolingo in 2015, and it would be the first tree I will ever complete since the two years I’ve been on the site. That is my big goal in Swedish for now!

Lastly, Spanish. Spanish was honestly one of the last languages I would learn. I would learn it eventually, but it wouldn’t be my first choice. But suddenly within the last few weeks or so, my heart changed. I’ve been using the free trial on a site called Fluencia. Ever since, I loved the site and want to keep going. Spanish, for now, is something I’m learning for fun. But since I live in Texas, it could be good for job opportunities since there’s a large Spanish-speaking population here. I do not have a set goal for Spanish right now. I just go to it when I’m bored and want something to do.

2015. Year of languages. Sounds good to me! We’ll see how far my Korean, French and Swedish(and maybe Spanish) are by the end of the new year.

Do you have 2015 goals for languages, or just anything in general? Feel free to leave a comment below~

Happy New Years and have a blessed 2015!

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